Random Dude Thoughts: #1

I am NOT a fan of spicy foods, sauces and condiments. At all. Hate'm.
How can I enjoy a meal when my mouth is burning?
But for some odd reason I love horseradish!
Probably because it's not hot, but has a kick. A tasty one!
I came across a new (to me) horseradish sauce in the supermarket recently. It's AMAZING!!!
It's called "Sandwich Pal", and made by a company called Woeber's. Here's a pic of the bottle...

Why I never heard of this delicious delight is beyond me. I'm addicted now.
It basically tastes like mayonaise & horseradish, but way better.
I've been putting it on sandwiches, salads, vegetables...everything. It's that good.
Yeah, there are a bunch of unhealthy ingredients inside, but a vegetarian dude like me has to have at least one vice!
Here's another pic of a recent dinner I had, with a generous supply of Sandwich Pal...

If you enjoy things that have a kick, too, find a bottle and give it a try.
By the way, in case you were wondering...
The dinner I had was garbanzo beans with green beans. It was super yummy.
The beans are loaded with protein (about 15g) and carbohydrates, and the green beans have an ample serving of vitamins.
I usually eat them straight from the can without cooking, Army style.

This meal only costs about $2, but it's healthy, filling & scrumptious.
I sometimes add hard-boiled eggs to this dish, and it's even better. If you're not a vegetarian like me, you can toss in some chicken, slices of cold cuts, meat, etc.
Canned beans & vegetables should be a staple for all car campers and nomads. They require no refrigeration, can be eaten raw or cooked, are healthy, inexpensive, and they're easy & fast to prepare.
Catch you next time, I'm getting hungry!